Original lunar/solar calendar systems discover the oldest trunk line of time reckoning and recording. The three oldest major calendars give us hybrid insight about early civilization. There are several accepted Bible chronologies. Most chronologies place the Deluge before 2,000 B.C.E.
and the Exodus between 1,470 B.C.E.
and 1,460 B.C.E. This work emphasizes the use of lunar/solar calendars rather than revising those existing chronologies. The Antediluvian Patriarchs knew astronomy, mathematics and entwined early theology with time. As a floating-king-list chronology, beginning or ending dates are ambiguous according to Gregorian calendar reckoning.
Lunar/solar calendar design applies to Mesoamerican calendars.One should remember that strict Judaism refers to Before Common Era with B.C.E initials regarding the Jewish Calendar.
Any dates relevant to the Gregorian Calendar are recognized as B.C., for Before Christ. The traditional Jewish Calendar counts forward in linear order from the Creation year 1.
The linear ages of the Antediluvian Patriarchs, plus progression through the life of Noah, amount 2,105 years at the Deluge. Another 1,656 years add to reach the first year of the Julian Calendar, thus 3,761 B.C.E.
is the Jewish Calendar date for Creation. Modifications to the Roman Julian Calendar reach the A.D. Gregorian Calendar of today. The Jewish Calendar places the deluge of Noah at 2,105 B.
C.E. and estimates Creation to have occurred 5,767 years ago in 2,006. Rabbi Hillel II introduced the present standardized version of the Jewish Calendar in 359 C.E, for Common Era, to 360 C.
E. The spread of Christianity throughout the Roman Empire brought persecution to many Jewish believers. Romans established Christianity alongside the Julian Calendar.The primary 130-year age of Adam comes gained directly from the words of the Holy Bible. Primary ages span from the onset of each Biblical character until the age he begat the next named Patriarch. The primary 130-year age of Adam confirms a 130-year period.
From Genesis 5:3 onward, these characters were the ancestors of humanity. In every Holy Bible, that we can pick up and read, these numbers are always the same. Adam's era started recording the calendar.
Genesis 5:3 "And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth:".The primary 130-year age of Adam is the foremost bridge joining the age of Adam to the Mayan 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle. Other parallels exist between the Biblical genealogy of Adam through to Noah and the numerical time computations of the ancient Sun Kingdoms' Calendars. Clear patterns demonstrate the relationship between chronologies of Genesis with the Mesoamerican Calendars.
Parallel trends numerically match days and years in a singe term for the generations of Adam. The triune components found with the 365-day-solar-year include two identical periods of 130-days each and the remaining 105-days. Three-way numbering of 365-years stems from numerical matching properties of the 364-day-Ethiopic-year. One 365-year-solar-cycle includes two identical periods of 130-years each and the remaining 105-years.
A 365-day-and-year-solar-single-term encapsulates the first two generations of the Antediluvian Calendar. Ancient 260-day-Tzolken-sacred-years so often seen in the carvings and idioms of the Mesoamericans directly embellish use of the 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle. Time splitting after 130-days cleaves the 260-day-Tzolken-sacred-year into equal halves.
Numerically matched, the 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle separates for equal halves after 130-years. Calendar recording thousands of years ago employed complex mathematics and astronomy. Establishing the prototype divisions of bisected 260-day-Tzolken-sacred-years and 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle intervals directly exemplifies lunar/solar separation times. Mayan 360-day-Tun-years differentiate from 260-day-Tzolken-sacred-years.Genesis 5:6 "And Seth lived an hundred and five years, and begat Enos:".Genesis 5:6 quotes the primary 105-year age of Seth verbatim.
Layers of numerical matching took place for Seth. The 365-day-solar-year admits a leftover period after one 260-day-Tzolken-sacred-year. Mayan Katun 20-year-l/s-cycles produce 105-days of solar-side time split by multiplying 5.25-days following every 360-day-Tun-year (Eqn.
3). The single 105-day-and-years numerical term introduces the 105-year primary age of Seth. Seth is the first recorded character after Adam in the lineage.
Interesting auxiliary scriptures omit famed Abel and Cain from the calendar records. Cain killed Abel, the first-born son (Gen. 4:8). Seth was the appointed seed to replace Abel. Seth would have been heir to all rights and responsibilities of the first-born son.
Significant calendar times assigned specific eras to monarchy and deities.The primary 130-year age of Adam begins a 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle. Numerical matching expands the Mayan Calendar 260-day-Tzolken-sacred-year to construct the 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle in the primary age category. The Tzolken divinatory pattern expresses every year of the 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle in 360-day-Tun-years. Adam's primary 130-year-Tun-year begins the secondary age category, which increments in 400-year-Baktun-cycles. The end of the first primary 130-year age of Adam coincides with the end of the first secondary age 400-year-Baktun-cycle.
This is the 400-l/s-year midpoint age level between two successive secondary age 400-year-Baktun-cycles. The second 130-year period for Adam matches the first primary 130-year age of Adam to complete the first 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle in the primary age category. The second 400-year-Baktun-cycle adds the latter half that completes the first 800-year Generation Cycle in the secondary age category. The end of the 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle for also marks the 800-l/s-year endpoint age level of the secondary age category.
Seth completes the first 365-Tun-year-solar-cycle by adding 105-Tun-years to Adam's 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle. Adam's primary 130-Tun-year age corresponds to the first of two 400-year-Baktun-cycles. The second 400-year-Baktun-cycle completes the 260-year-Tzolken-sacred-cycle and finishes the first 800-year Generation Cycle. The primary 105-Tun-year age of Seth calculates during the third 400-year-Baktun-cycle in the secondary age category. Seth's midpoint age level happens at 1200-l/s-years through the 5200-year Great Cycle. The fourth 400-year-Baktun-cycle provide Seth's endpoint age level at 1,600-l/s-years and matches Seth's primary 105-Tun-year-age with another 105-Tun-years.
Together, the primary ages of Adam and Seth account for an entire 365-year-solar-cycle made up of 360-day-Tun-years.Antediluvian Calendar beginning and ending times have no fixed date in terms of modern Gregorian Calendar reckoning. These early characters conform to calendar techniques set forth by the prevailing system.
Ancient people were observing and calculating time based upon star and planetary definitions. Religious persuasions most assuredly had bearings upon history. The Mesoamerican Baktun 400-year-l/s-cycles likely relocated to the Yucatan Peninsular sometime around 2800 B.C.E. Mesoamerican chronology before about 900 B.
C.E is presently unsupported. However, there are other ways to ascertain history and scientists should leave room for error. My supposition of 2800 B.C E.
can vary by several hundred years or more either way. Stelae, stepped pyramids and lunar/solar calendar parallels all indicate some cultural transference took place.The variance is similar to that used for tree ring dating of petrified remains. Measured by cross-sectional viewing, tree rings add seasonal years outward from the center of the trunk by layers. Archaeology determines the estimated boundaries employed for start and finish times, while tree ring analysis provides additional information regarding climatic conditions during a more precise time span. Biblical chronology of the pre-Deluge ancestors is more accurate by adjusting the vast floating period within the framework of primitive agriculture and ending with the flooding stages of Mesopotamia.
During the Antediluvian Calendar eras, the seven-day week divisions were set by lunar phases and rounded 30-day months provided formative lunar calendars. Early religious philosophies and calendar use document a theme in the Book of Genesis. The chronology of ten generations in the lineage of Adam correlates with ancient l/s calendar methods leading up to the Great Flood era.Consider the posture of Adam's calendar age amongst the many theological doctrines that are now at our service.
Two significant topics are open for further discussion and inquiries. In the first viewpoint, the same almighty God that created Adam disseminated calendar information to Adam as ordained principle. Secondly, conjecture rationalizes that the man, Adam, developed the complex calendar order on his own merit.
Most provoking is the latent question we are forced to grapple with -- how long did it take to adopt an accurate calendar of this magnitude and array? Arbitration includes that time keeping by lunar/solar recording process held paramount importance with farming disciplines.Albeit a conservative estimate, we must accept that ingrained 800-year Generation Cycles, along with the required astronomy, formidable mathematics and communication skills were necessary to transfer such astonishing information down through the society. Any time scale of these epic proportions surely must expound a people with remarkable abilities and far in excess of present agreements for prehistoric man in the absolute.
The ages recorded for Adam and his descendants underline a culture that we can barely begin to fathom. Early people in the broadest sense of civilization had amazing understanding. Citizens were far beyond what evolution of the species seems to suggest. Intelligence is an adaptive process rather than a gradual production.Greek writings that regress the 1,460-year Sothic cycle three times are the basis for Egyptian chronology that begins between 4,241 B.C.
E. and 4,236 B.C.E. Dates for the Exodus and Ramses II are subject to debate. Egyptologists are certain that the Egyptian star and solar-side calendar had a lunar-side counterpart.
The Egyptian solar calendar and the Ethiopic 364-day-calendar-year might be far older. Introduction of Mesoamerican Calendar patterns is a novel approach to chronology.Three ancient calendars braid together to strongly encourage Biblical history. Those that wrote this knowledge down, so that it appears in our Bibles today, were smart enough to prove a quite articulate calendar system was already in place at the onset of Adam's 130-year primary age. Furthermore, they may have explored and exposed themselves to other possibilities of time and spatial relationships that we have not yet realized. Treat these items of calendar research with caution and respect since the overall impact on religion or science cannot be fully determined.
The blunt interpretation is "if it looks like a duck, quacks like duck, and walks like a duck?it probably is a duck." The calendar numbers written are about time in the common vocabulary and understandings of ancient people. They thought of time as consisting of cyclic, recurrent phenomena. Threads of time symbolically link birth, life and death coincidental with archaic calendar observation.
Supernatural attributes of calendar study may lend new future uses. Consensus testimony then decides the social profit.Are you a pastor, educator or a student of the Holy Bible? Timeemits.com seeks anointed people to review and contribute to the Ages of Adam ministry. Ancient lunar/solar calendars like the Jewish and Mayan calendars provide the background to understanding early time. Ancient calendars of the Holy Bible use differences between the moon and sun, numerical matching and a 364-day calendar year to describe X-number of days that match with X-number of years.
Ages of Adam is a free read at http://www.timeemits.com/.Nelson, C. K.
(2004). Primary Ages of Adam and Seth. In Ages of Adam. Retrieved March 6, 2006, from: http://www.timeemits.com/AoA Articles/Primary_Ages_of_Adam_and_Seth.
.Clark Nelson is webmaster for http://www.timeemits.com and author of Ages of Adam and sequel, Holy of Holies. Contact article@timeemits.
com for more information. © Copyright 2006 Clark Nelson and timeemits.com All Rights Reserved.
By: Clark Nelson